Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Heart Day

It was Wyatt’s first Valentines Day and we had a blast. We started the day with leftover cookies, for me and pancakes for Wyatt. I use the gluten free Bisquick mix for my pancakes, they are simple and delicious and just for an extra yummy I add about ¼ cup applesauce to the batter. This makes them sweet enough to eat with absolutely nothing on them! I had nibbled cookies I made a couple nights ago.

toughest part about being gluten free was missing out on sugar cookies. This is my absolute favorite kind of cookie, I am all for making things from scratch however when you are a mommy on the go its hard to want to spend two hours just to make a cookie. I found a great boxed brand called Cherrybrook Kitchen. They specialize in making all natural baking mixes. After making these according to the box I sprinkle a little bisquick as “flour” on plastic wrap and stick the dough in the freezer. Once the dough hardens I roll it out and bake, then I simply use Betty Crocker icing (gluten-free of course) and ta-da! Delicious easy and gf!

After going to the park Wyatt and I came home and started dinner for Daddy and I got a beautiful surprise…Flowers! Perfect Valentine Day with my boys.